President of the Independence Movement, MP Moawad highlighted the importance of the youth’s role in the political life. He ensured that it led to create a political balance in Zgharta- Zawieh; the matter that established an introduction to change. He added that the Independence Movement will always preserve the freedom &the sovereignty of the country.
MP Moawad spoke to 500 young participants, aged between 15 and 25 years old, in Sawa camp in Bchenneta, organized by the youth department in the Independence Movement and said “Today, I reminded our camp in Martyrs square in 2005. It was based on two pillars: First, defending the sovereignty of our country against the Syrian tutelage regime, the matter that caused the assassination of President Rene Moawad years ago; as well as our participation in launching the Cedar Revolution on the country’s level and on Zgharta- Zawieh’s level. Second, is the partnership with all the Lebanese parties in the country and in our caza. We believe in Freedom and we ask all parties in Zgharta-Zawieh to respect the freedom of all citizens to express their opinion and fight for their beliefs. And the latest elections proved that an obvious change occurred in our caza.”
“You should be proud to be part of the Independence Movement. We fought for our beliefs from 60 years and we were the first to support the Lebanese army and the establishment of a real state.” he said
He added “Moreover, we are fighting the corruption by actions. We sold our ancestors lands when we needed money but we never thought of taking advantage of our authority to get it from illegal sources.” “ The Independence Movement fights for sovereignty and cannot accept any armed forces other than the Lebanese army. We refuse all kinds of sectarianism. In fact, our aim is to promote nationalism among young citizens. Your role is interrogate political leaders when they go wrong.” he declared
MP Moawad added “we aspire to establish a civil state who invests in the citizens regardless his religion and our camp today, as well as our political performance throughout the years, makes a real proof of our beliefs. Our movement supports reformation in the parliament represented in the laws and the interrogation of corrupt politicians.” “Together we will support the reformation, the reduction of the state expenses and the partnership with the private sector. It is a fight for your right to live in a clean country with wide job opportunities regardless your religion or your political belief. That’s why, this year our slogan was “To keep the Lebanese citizen being rooted in his country”. He ensured
He declared “Our aim is to support the development in our country. Rene Moawad Foundation has always implemented its projects all over the country, from Akkar to Al Nakkoura, from the coast to Arsal. We believe that you are the generation of freedom and partnership and that you will follow this path until we reach our goals in making the change. You are the pillar of these beliefs; and through your support, I am today representing you in the parliament.”
MP Moawad thanked “the organizers for making of this camp an unforgettable experience, as well as the youth department headed by Mr. Jeff Douaihy.” He pledged to organize further activities to include youth power in the political and public life.